About Us

Hello and welcome to Pinoy Instant Meals

If you are unfamiliar with Pinoy Instant Meals, please allow me to take a moment to introduce you to the site. The first thing you should know is that Pinoy Instant Meals is a blog or a personal website, created and maintained by Pinoy Hapagkainan. Unlike most of the large recipe sites that you might find on the Internet with tens of thousands of recipes, Pinoy Instant Recipe is one of our personal website, with only a few hundred recipes, all tested by Us. We invite you to try the recipes, and if you would like, leave constructive feedback in the comments.. As we cook the recipes multiple times, we often think of improvements and update the recipes. So keep in mind that what you see here is a work in progress.

What is Convenience Cooking

Most people are constantly looking for ways to prepare great tasting and presentable food in a hurry. We don't have time to shop every day and no interest in slaving over a hot stove.Worse still, by the end of the day we're often too exhausted to even think about the meal preparation. So it's not surprising we're vulnerable to eating on the run- grabbing fast food or ordering the same old takeout, even though the mere thought of how much salt and saturated fat such food contains induces indigestion. While we don't deliberately set out to make poor food choices, it's easy to be pushed into unhealthy eating patterns by the demands of daily living.For most people-unless we're among the lucky few with personal cook, regularly consuming tastier and more nutritious food means making it ourselves. By combining convenience products with your favorite ingredients, seasonings, mix and adding fresh ingredient or two as a finishing touch, the recipes you can find here, you can create delicious dishes in a matter of minutes.


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