Monday 4 November 2013


Nothing could be easier than this tasty fried fish, which is particularly delicious accompanied by sauté tomato. The flavour of ginger, which add the strong flavour on the sauce. If you have left-over fish, this may save time in preparing and cooking. Frying will only take 5-10 minutes on both side, still speedy enough for a quick weeknight meal served over fluffy white rice.

  • 1 Lbs round scad (galunggong)
  • 1 Large onion
  • 2 Cloves garlic
  • Salt and Pepper
Maximize Convenience
  • Can whole tomatoes
  • Magic sarap

Galunggong or round scad, has been part of Philippine daily menu, it is extremely common in Philippine water. Can be cook with vinegar, soya sauce or fried it. and serve with sliced fresh tomato and shrimp paste. I pulled a packed of frozen Scad in our fridge, kids want it with tomato sauce. After removing the innards, I let it sit for a while with a rub of salt and fried it.

Ginger are thinly cut, garlic into small pieces and  bigger slices for onion. tomato ? we are out of fresh tomato, we used whole tomato in can and the juice for our sauce. diced, whole or any kind of tomato in can are the the main canned prepared ingredients in our pantry for it's usage. Making pasta sauce, cooking stews and salsa, tomato are the main ingredients. Not only are they a tremendous time-saver, but because they have the longer life.

Finished with a dash of  Magic Sarap, and season with salt and pepper. Give a few minutes to simmer, 


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